4.12.08 Summary
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4.12.08 Summary
Posting anything important regarding the protest here;
@1100~ We started forming up, not too long aafter we had been there a security Guard approached us and asked what we were planning on doing, I informed him we were waiting for more people to show up before we went down the street. (he eventually asked us to leave @ about 1130.
In that time those of us there were approached by someof the brainwashedScilons, who basically called us ignorant and scared - but had no real argument only saying "NO NO NO" when evidence was presented against the scifags. They drove away before and real rhetoric could be passed along.
Sometime around 1300 I suppose (not sure what time it was) a cameraman from KOB4 came by (I don't think they did anything with it however - I didn't see anything on their website) he got some footage of the protest and thescilon recruiting facilityChurch, he asked for someone to talk on behalf of our group. I'm not very good with words, moreso in front of a camera, He asked what we were protesting to which I replied "The malicious practices and tax exempt status of the Scifags (didn't use that term)". then he asked Why do wear masks? What did I say you ask? I called a cab and when it came near I saw it had 'frash' on the lisence plate and it had dice in the mirror if I could tell anything its that this cab was rare, but i thought "na forget it, Yo homles to bel-air!" I pulled up to the house round 7 or 8 and i yelled to the cabbie "yo holmes smell ya later!" I looked at my kingdom I was finally there to settle my throne as the prince of bel-air.
@1100~ We started forming up, not too long aafter we had been there a security Guard approached us and asked what we were planning on doing, I informed him we were waiting for more people to show up before we went down the street. (he eventually asked us to leave @ about 1130.
In that time those of us there were approached by some
Sometime around 1300 I suppose (not sure what time it was) a cameraman from KOB4 came by (I don't think they did anything with it however - I didn't see anything on their website) he got some footage of the protest and the
Re: 4.12.08 Summary
@1100 We gathered at the east end of lot by Hastings. I was the third to arrive. Many greetings and lulz ensued.
@1115 Was confronted by somescared, confused and completely dumbfounded scilons. Many lulz ensued as they could not defend against the evidence we presented.
@1130 Security for Fair Plaza approached us and politely asked us to leave and gave us an explanation as to why. We began our march to thebrainwashing facility church.
@1200 moar ppl showed up. This continued every half hour or so until 1330 or so.
@1315 KOB-TV was on site filming but did not air any footagepossibly due to a lawsuit threat by the scifag in charge. Anon51... did good as a representive.
@1345 Lolis were everywhere and Gas Mask Jesus rejoiced and blessed us. Many flyers were handed out and much rejoicing was done.
@1430 People began to leave but we continued on! One Anon (Madame_Anachy) handed the sciguard a flyer, few mins later scifag in chargeacted like a bag of douche took the flyer from him.
@1500 We left and scifags rejoiced but they only rejoiced to their own high levels of fail.
@1115 Was confronted by some
@1130 Security for Fair Plaza approached us and politely asked us to leave and gave us an explanation as to why. We began our march to the
@1200 moar ppl showed up. This continued every half hour or so until 1330 or so.
@1315 KOB-TV was on site filming but did not air any footage
@1345 Lolis were everywhere and Gas Mask Jesus rejoiced and blessed us. Many flyers were handed out and much rejoicing was done.
@1430 People began to leave but we continued on! One Anon (Madame_Anachy) handed the sciguard a flyer, few mins later scifag in charge
@1500 We left and scifags rejoiced but they only rejoiced to their own high levels of fail.
Last edited by AnonymousAkuma on Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Some corrections as promised)
AnonymousAkuma- Posts : 98
Join date : 2008-03-13
Age : 45
Location : In Your Head
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