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Scientology's ABQ building is for sale?

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Scientology's ABQ building is for sale? Empty Scientology's ABQ building is for sale?

Post  Tweenon Mon Mar 31, 2008 10:08 am

On my way down San Pedro, I saw a For Sale sign on the side of the Scino building. I did some research on the faithful intarwebz and came up with the following from NM business weekly:

Scientologists eye a move to Downtown (Dec 2007)

Proposed Downtown Scientology Site on Hold (Jan 2008)

I know the sign wasn't there a week ago (although the yellow van was). Their windows are still covered in ads and posters and there are cars in the parking lot. Did I hallucinate? You can see it if you're going on San Pedro towards Lomas.


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Scientology's ABQ building is for sale? Empty Re: Scientology's ABQ building is for sale?

Post  cannon Mon Mar 31, 2008 12:51 pm

I can't seem to find anything about that past the jan 11 article, but if they are selling the old building I guess they bought a new one? If they did get the downtown property, that means there are a lot of angry downtown business owners and that could be something to tap into. I'm going to E-mail the writer of the articles to see if he has any updates on all this.

Also, lol:

Opponents of the church's plan, including Nathan Fox, an Albuquerque psychotherapist and head of the Downtown Neighborhood Association,


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Scientology's ABQ building is for sale? Empty Re: Scientology's ABQ building is for sale?

Post  Professo Mon Mar 31, 2008 3:39 pm

Welcome to Albuquerque! The new Clearwater! It'll happen watch....


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Scientology's ABQ building is for sale? Empty Re: Scientology's ABQ building is for sale?

Post  Anonymous51493862 Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:46 pm

There was supposed to be some sort of a meeting in regards to the purchase, but I haven't been able to find anything on it.


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Scientology's ABQ building is for sale? Empty Re: Scientology's ABQ building is for sale?

Post  Tweenon Thu May 01, 2008 9:19 pm

I found the listing of the property for sale after much squinting at the extremely tiny sign on the side with unreadable font when driving past at 35 MPH.



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Join date : 2008-04-21

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Scientology's ABQ building is for sale? Empty $cientology building

Post  byte301 Fri May 02, 2008 5:04 pm

I doubt that $cientology owns the building. I was on lines there for several years and they never had the money to buy a building. The article you referred to mentioned a Sanford Block. I am going to try to find out who he is. He is probably someone RTC sent down to help them purchase the Gizmo building. I am sure RTC is funding it. I will let you know what I can find out. Very Happy


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