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The Gizmo Building

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The Gizmo Building Empty The Gizmo Building

Post  byte301 Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:23 am

Got this on the Journal today:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Church Appeals to Panel

By Sean Olson
Journal Staff Writer
The Church of Scientology of New Mexico was back for another city zoning hearing Monday as part of its attempt to relocate its church to Downtown Albuquerque.
The church wants to move to the Gizmo building at Fourth and Central but has faced some community opposition and zoning challenges, delaying the building's proposed remodeling.
"We're not arguing with the city; we just want to sort all this out," church community affairs director Sandy Block said Monday.
Monday's hearing took up the church's appeal of a city decision that would force another hearing to decide whether the church's location Downtown would be harmful to other businesses or the church itself.
City code compliance officer Matthew Conrad said the zoning plans governing Downtown do not specify churches as an automatically allowed use, and so a hearing to get permission is necessary.
David S. Campbell, the church's attorney, wrote in a letter to land use hearing officer Steven M. Chavez that the city's decision violates federal and state anti-discrimination laws.
Campbell argues that the city is not allowed to look at whether a building is housing a church, but must instead consider the uses inside the church. In this case, the uses would include classrooms, offices and an auditorium.
Those uses are automatically permitted for buildings in the area and would not require the extra hearing, he argued.
A Journal message to the City Attorney's Office was not returned Monday.
Chavez will return with a recommendation based on arguments made at Monday's hearing, which will be forwarded to the City Council.

So I guess there will be another hearing if I am understanding this right.


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The Gizmo Building Empty The Gizmo Building

Post  byte301 Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:26 am

Ok, I just sent an e-mail to all nine councilors about $cientology and the Gizmo. Hope they get what this move would do to downtown. Like I said, I don't really care if they move there or not. It would make for some good protests down there for sure. lol But I hate to see them win any battle so I will do my part to stop them.

Wait till they move in and then never finish the renovation like they've done in Pasadena and Clearwater. lol


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The Gizmo Building Empty Re: The Gizmo Building

Post  kaos Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:38 pm

When I sent the councilors each an email I included a link to the you tube meltdown of John Carmichael just to show what type of faith based organization they really are!


Posts : 63
Join date : 2008-04-02
Location : A few hundred miles from the SciLon Star Base!

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The Gizmo Building Empty I smell...

Post  byte301 Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:56 pm

LOL kaos,

Good for you. We should have sent them the Stu video where Vicky hits Stu with the protest signs she stole from him.

I got an e-mail back from the city council saying that they were in discussions about it now and couldn't read any new material! Like a jury being sequestered type thing. So I e-mailed Steven Chavez who is the land planning guy and told him the same stuff I had tried to tell the councilors. He is getting his decision together I guess in order to give a recommendation to the City Council.

So it's a waiting game now.


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The Gizmo Building Empty Re: The Gizmo Building

Post  Anonymous51493862 Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:24 am

I haet how the oldemedia always says "The final choice will be made at another hearing" but never say when/where that hearing will be, anyone know?

We should totally go WTFPWN some scieno colon.

The Gizmo Building Pwntru11


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The Gizmo Building Empty hearing

Post  byte301 Thu Jun 12, 2008 5:13 pm

The decision will be made in 9 days by the land planning officer. If you go to the city's website and then city council they show when the meetings are being held. But I think that it'll be the same deal as the last one...we won't be able to speak. In other words our window of opportunity is gone.


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The Gizmo Building Empty Upcoming news about the Gizmo.

Post  byte301 Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:08 pm

Ok, I got some word that the cult is having a briefing on the 23rd that's a "mystery" in regards to the move to the Gizmo. That's on a Saturday. I will try and find out the time of this big (haha) event. The person who leaked this to me said that it didn't sound too hopeful but you never know. I am sure they will be asking for more money! Even if they can't move in the Gizmo they will keep the donations.

This would be an excellent time to do a protest. A lot of public will be there. This is our chance to see more then the 4 or so $cilons we usually see and enturbulate them like crazy! Anybody interested? It will more then likely be at 7:00 pm so it won't be so hot and it will still be light outside.

I have called the Land Use & Zoning office trying to find out what the decision is on them moving in but got voice mail. Am waiting for a call back. Will keep you informed if there's any news.


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The Gizmo Building Empty Re: The Gizmo Building

Post  kritikanonymous Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:20 am

PaulFetc wrote:Hey fucktards, I'm forwarding your little terrorist cell here to the local org.

I hope they follow up on your bigotry and slander attacks. I know I will.

Wow, that was intelligent. I am amazed that you were able to spell fucktards correctly. There are laws in this country that protect free speech and freedom of expression. The police know us as polite and non violent protestors. We are not bigoted, please look up the definition. As far as slander? It cannot be slander with so many documented, proven cases. We're ready for you darlin' bom


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Join date : 2008-08-06

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The Gizmo Building Empty Re: The Gizmo Building

Post  byte301 Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:44 pm

Oh don't mind the little troll. It's just upset that we found out about their "big" event. lol Plus it always shows up on here right before a protest. Yes, that's right! It walks all the way from it's home under the 4th street bridge to the library to post a message for us every month!! How's the weather in your cardboard box, troll?


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The Gizmo Building Empty Re: The Gizmo Building

Post  kritikanonymous Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:41 pm

I don't mind the troll. Doubtful that 4 scilons would even confront us. After all, their numbers have dwindled down to 4 right? LOL


Posts : 31
Join date : 2008-08-06

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The Gizmo Building Empty Re: The Gizmo Building

Post  byte301 Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:36 pm

Actually I think there may be 8!! LOL


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The Gizmo Building Empty Re: The Gizmo Building

Post  byte301 Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:35 pm



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